Installation of MYOB Live Intelligence Reporting (ODBCLink)

How the product works
- We install a few products below that all work together to make a replication of your MYOBLive database on a local installation.
- The product that is doing the work is called ODBCLink which connects directly to MYOB live and delivers information to a database specified within the application itself.
- Sage Intelligence Reporting then reports off that database.

Before we start - some Frequently Asked Questions
- Do I need to be a technical person or computer savvy to complete this installation? If you are not a technical person, please forward this onto your IT provider and they can do this for you.
- How often does my MYOBLive information update? We schedule ODBCLink to update the database at either a time specified by the customer, or on a scheduled basis using the Windows Task Manager
- Where should the SQL Server be installed? It can be installed anywhere on the domain. If all users who will be running Sage Intelligence have access to the SQL server, it means that only one ODBCLink License will be required and you will only need to purchase additional users for the Reporting modules.
- How often do I need to authenticate my username and password for MYOBLive? We will need you to authenticate the application during set up, and following that it should have no problems connecting directly through the API's.
- Which computer do I install ODBCLink on? ODBCLink will only need to be installed on a workstation that can connect to the SQL Server

It will take approximately 1 hour to connect the software to one MYOB Live company, assuming the below products have been installed already or the connection details have been supplied. Without the below being downloaded and installed, it may take up to 3 hours for installation.

Configuration Checklist - For More information on Default Configuration, see below
- Domain Administrator Credentials or Access Level
- Download and install Sage Intelligence Reporting v7.5 from this link using default parameters.
- Download and install ODBCLink from this link using default parameters.
- If you do not have SQL Server installed - Download and install SQL Server express from here
- If you do have SQL Server installed - Provide SQL server instance, SQL username and SQL password
- Download and install SQL Server Management Tools from here
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