How to increase Timeout on a container

How to increase Timeout on a container

When running a report, one of the following errors is received


To increase the timeout on your existing container/s open your Report Manager tool, select the report and drill down to the Source Container, right click on the container and select “Go to Container in Connector”:


Select “Yes”:


Your Connector tool (Administrator) will now open on the selected container details:


Select the “Show Advanced” box:


Find the “Timeout Enquiries After (Seconds)” box and increase the timeout as needed:


If it is a SQL server you are connecting to, we also recommend changing the timeout on the SQL server.

If you do not have the Connector (Administrator) tool, you will need to contact Support to log a call, providing them with your SVD file in order for the call and file to be escalated to Alchemex to increase the timeout for you.

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