Sage Alchemex E-Mail Add-In Version 1.0
Open your Report Manager and select your Report that you want to add the E-Mail AddIn to.
In the bottom corner make sure you tick the “Show Advanced” box:
Go to the “Run Add-Ins” box and select the elipses on the right of the box:
This will then open the following screen, select the first dropdown box – Alchemex Add-In1
Then choose the Emailing Functions in the second dropdown box
Lastly make sure you select/highlight the MailSMTP option in the “Select Add-In Function” box
So your Screen should look like this:
Select “OK”
This screen will now appear, and you will have to fill in all the details per box as required, make sure you scroll all the way down :
Once completed select “Apply” and then “OK”
To test, run out your report and check the relevant mail box/s to see that the report has come through.