Technical Support
Does Intelligence Reporting and CData support TLS 1.2?
Question A recent upgrade from Microsoft has marked End of Life for TLS 1.0 and 1.1. I am using Intelligence Reporting and/or Cdata drivers selled by Alchemex and need to upgrade my servers. How will it affect my Reporting? Support for Intelligence ...
Number 75: Path/File access error
Problem When launching any module of Intelligence Reporting, you get a file/access path error When trying to run a report you get this error Resolution Check that you have full read/write access to the Metadata Repository Check that you have full ...
Error Scheduling Reports for Intelligence Reporting
Problem There is an error scheduling reports to execute using the Windows Task Scheduler Symptoms: The Report is scheduled but the BICore.exe process doesn't launch The report is scheduled but the BICore.exe launches but doesn't consume any memory ...
The Sage Intelligence Report Designer Add-In is not responding
Products Sage 300 2016 Description When trying to add a New Layout in Sage Intelligence Report Designer reports, the below error appears. DESCRIPTION Cause The Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) components / .NET Programmability are not installed. ...
Unable to set the Interactive Property of the Application Class
Issue When running a report, you are running into an error about setting the Interactive Property for the Application Class. Symptoms When running a Report out the following error is received: Unable to set the Interactive property of the Application ...
BI Generator / BI Tools missing in excel in a Terminal Server environment
Products Sage 100 ERP Sage 300 ERP Sage ERP X3 Sage Intelligence Sage 500 ERP Description The BI Generator / BI Tools missing in excel in a Terminal Server environment. Even though it is licensed and installed. Not showing in both the Ribbon on excel ...
ABM Alchemex Enabling Dongle Endless Loop
Issue - there is an endless loop trying to serialise ABM Alchemex. Resolution Please complete the serialisation process on the workstation that hosts the ABM Accounts folder. The serialisation process is attempting to add entries to the Alchemex.svd ...
Data Source name not found and no default driver specified. SQLState=IM002
Error "Data Source name not found and no default driver specified. SQLState=IM002" when trying to run any reports Resolution Go to the Connector Find the connection the report with the error is running off Ensure the report is on the correct ...
Perform Serialisation not running as expected
Error: There is any issue when trying to license the product and trying to run the installer. The issue is that the client libraries will not update. Resolution: Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BIComponents and rename the PLDongle.dll to ...
An Item with the same key has already been added
Issue Users are receiving the error “An unexpected error occurred: An item with the same key has already been added. Would you like to view this error details? An item with the same key has already been added.” when creating a new layout using the ...
Overlapping Windows in Intelligence Reporting Report Manager
Problem The 'Object' and 'Properties' windows overlap. Thus making running reports impossible. Disclaimer Operating System Warning This solution requires advanced knowledge of your computer's operating system. Contact your system administrator for ...
Enable .Net Framework 3.5
Issue Invalid Procedure Call or Argument Number 5 Incorrect .Net Framework installed Enable the .NET Framework 3.5 in Control Panel You can enable the .NET Framework 3.5 through the Windows Control Panel. This option requires an Internet connection. ...
Standard Intelligence Reporting Component Folders
Problem: You having issues with Modules not running BI Tools tab constantly unregistering Can't write to Metadata repository Other security issues Resolution Please ensure that all users who run the program have full read write to the following ...
How do I create a Report Shortcut and save it for other users to run
Description: How do I create a report shortcut and save it on local network for other Intelligence Reporting users to run. Please note: these users need to have a version of Intelligence Reporting installed to run from the shortcut. Issue: Client has ...
Error 438 Object doesn't support this property or method
Error Error number:[438] Description: [object doesn't support this property or method] Source:[BICore] " Symptoms When trying to run a report, you get an error message appear immediately Troubleshooting Confirm whether it is isolated to only one ...
How to increase Timeout on a container
ISSUE: REPORT EXECUTION ERROR TIMEOUT SYMPTOMS: When running a report, one of the following errors is received RESOLUTION/WORKAROUND: To increase the timeout on your existing container/s open your Report Manager tool, select the report and drill down ...
Richtx32.ocx error
Issue: Richtx32.ocx or one of its dependencies not correctly registered Resolution Copy the file from your local machine to C:\Windows\SYSWOW64\ This can also be downloaded from here: Go to ...
Testing Connections and Troubleshooting Connection Errors
OVERVIEW One of the main functions of the Sage Intelligence software is to connect to a data source(s) and retrieve data; these connections are made through the appropriate ODBC driver(s). Because of this reliance on the ODBC drivers, errors can ...
REF error in the data range definition
Error: You are receiving a #REF error on Sheet1 when normally it should be RawData as the range. Resolution: Copy the report and remove the template Run it and the RawData definition will still be corrupt Remove one Excel formula (this one contained ...
Sage Intelligence Reporting License Allocation
Problem - you need to change/add/delete licenses but you are not sure where they are assigned and how many are being used To check your license allocation, do the following: Open the License Manager from the Start Menu (This will require domain ...
ABM Workstation Installation Pop-Up
Problem: When a particular user or groups of user go and launch any module, a popup appears trying to reinstall something. Cancelling the popup may eventually allow the application to launch. This is not a problem for Administrators but it is a ...
Windows 10 Metadata directory access
ISSUE: Users are unable to run out reports due to them not being available in report manager. Users receive an error when opening or using Security Manager "Operation must use an updateable query." If our metadata repository folder is created by an ...
ACCOUNTNOCOID in MYOB Exonet reports is not populating correctly
You have added new sub-accounts to MYOB Exonet but when you are running these reports, they are not being added correctly to reports. IN MYOB Exonet, the ACCOUNTNOCOID table that our standard Financial Report Designer reports are referencing is now ...
Sybiz BIC (v18) - Error launching Modules
You come across an issue where clicking on the Report Manager, Connector or License Manager icons does not launch anything. It will launch the BICore.exe in the Task Manager Processes however it launches and then closes immediately When you run the ...
License OK button greyed out
Your license managed has the OK button greyed out, however there are still available licenses. Resolution: Go to C:\Program Files (x86) > Common Files > BIComponents and ensure this folder is full read/write access On Windows 10, do a further check ...
Virtual SVD Files
Your reporting software is not working as expected. Typically surround the License Manager, expected reports being viewed, or licensing issues on domain connected workstations Try do the following: Sign onto the computer as a Domain Administrator ...
Serialising 7.3 and Later
Problem: Enabling Dongle error appears when you are trying to Launch your Report Manager or Report Viewer modules Resolution: From your start menu, launch the “License Manager Right-click on License Manager and “Run as Administrator” When it opens ...
Back Up the Metadata Repository
It is very important to always backup the metadata repository before making changes to your Sage Intelligence Reporting installations. The Alchemex.svd file and Templates folder's are the only folders that need to be backed up with our installation. ...
PLDongle Size Error
PLDongle size does not match error when serialisation This error occurs when you are trying to re-serialise Intelligence Reporting behind a Firewall or Proxy server. To rectify the issue, do the following: Whitelist the Back Office web server ...